Important Information

Letter to parents

Dear Wrestling Parents, 

We sincerely appreciate your decision to enroll your child in Evanston Elite! Our goal is to ensure a wonderful experience for both you and your athlete. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to a coach or board member. 

As part of your registration fee with Evanston Elite, you will receive a free gift & hours of coaching from our dedicated volunteer coaches. In addition to the registration fee, a USA Wresting membership/card is required to practice or participate in wrestling tournaments. Please visit, to obtain a USA card for your wrestler. (Without this membership, no athlete will be allowed to practice for safety of the athlete and liability of our club.) 

We also offer scholarships for those who wish to join but may face financial challenges. If you're interested in a scholarship, please speak with a board member or coach. (Note that there is a volunteer commitment of 8 hours associated with the scholarship.)

WRESTLERS: Before entering the room, you must have BOTH: Evanston Elite registration AND USA Wrestling card at 

COACHES: Before entering the room, you are required to have Bronze, Silver or Gold certification: USA Wrestling coaches card 

PARENTS: Before entering the room, you are required to have Bronze, Silver or Gold certification: USA Wrestling coaches card 

If you do not possess the necessary credentials, you will be asked to wait in the hallway for your wrestler. The certification requirements are enforced by WAWA. (

Practice Days/Times

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00-7:30 pm in the HS wrestling room.


The season is: Nov-May with breaks for Christmas and other Holidays at the coach’s discretion.

Coaches/Board Phone Numbers:

Nick Small (Coach) 307-677-4493

Brandon Day (President) 435-660-1250

Conna McGuire (Secretary) 307-710-4878

Elyse Lopez (Treasurer) 720-291-0697

We kindly request that you arrive on time to pick up your child at the conclusion of each practice. Our coaches are volunteers and cannot leave until every child has been safely collected. Therefore, we appreciate your courtesy in ensuring timely pickups. Additionally, please note that registration and travel to tournaments are the responsibility of the parent and wrestler.